Jenn Wortman Vaughan

Conference Chairing and Leadership Roles

Program Co-Chair, FAccT 2025

Program Co-Chair, NeurIPS 2021
(To see some of what we did, check out these summary blog posts: the NeurIPS paper checklist, the move to OpenReview, this year's keynote speakers and plenary panels, the ethics review process, the consistency experiment, and the author perception experiment)

Co-Chair (General + Program), HCOMP 2019.

Workshops Chair, NeurIPS 2019

Press Co-Chair, ICML 2019

Steering Committee Member, FAccT, 2017-Present

Tutorials Co-Chair, NeurIPS 2017 and NeurIPS 2018

Workshops Co-Chair, EC 2017 and EC 2018

Publicity Co-Chair, HCOMP 2017

Workshop Selection Committee, NeurIPS 2016 and NeurIPS 2020

Secretary-Treasurer, SIGecom, elected position, 2015-2019

Local Arrangements Co-Chair, EC 2010

Workshop Organization

TTIC Summer Series Workshop on Learning in the Presence of Strategic Behavior
with Nika Haghtalab, Yishay Mansour, Tim Roughgarden, and Vasilis Syrgkanis

Workshop on Learning in the Presence of Strategic Behavior at NeurIPS 2017
with Nika Haghtalab, Yishay Mansour, Tim Roughgarden, and Vasilis Syrgkanis

Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Human Computation at HCOMP 2016
with Shuchi Chawla, Chien-Ju Ho, Michael Kearns, and Santosh Vempala

CCC Visioning Workshop on Theoretical Foundations for Social Computing in 2015
with Yiling Chen, Arpita Ghosh, and Tim Roughgarden
Here is the resulting white paper

6th Annual New York Computer Science and Economics (NYCE) Day in 2013
with Jason Hartline and Vahab Mirrokni

Workshop on Crowdsourcing: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications at NeurIPS 2013
with Xi Chen, Nikhil Devanur, Alexander Ihler, Qiang Liu, and Dengyong Zhou

Workshop on Markets, Mechanisms, and Multi-Agent Models at ICML 2012
with Amos Storkey and Jake Abernethy

Workshop on Relations Between Machine Learning Problems at NeurIPS 2011
with Bob Williamson, John Langford, Ulrike von Luxburg, and Mark Reid

Second Workshop on Computational Social Science and the Wisdom of Crowds at NeurIPS 2011
with Winter Mason and Hanna Wallach

First Workshop on Computational Social Science and the Wisdom of Crowds at NeurIPS 2010
with Hanna Wallach

First Workshop for Women in Machine Learning way back in 2006
with Hanna Wallach and Lisa Wainer

Tutorial Presentations

MSR Webinar on Transparency and Intelligibility Throughout the Machine Learning Life Cycle, January 2020

Challenges of Incorporating Algorithmic Fairness into Industry Practice at FAT* 2019 (video here)
with Henriette Cramer, Kenneth Holstein, Hal Daumé III, Miroslav Dudík, Hanna Wallach, Jean Garcia-Gathright, and Sravana Reddy

MSR Webinar on Machine Learning and Fairness, January 2019
with Hanna Wallach

Making Better Use of the Crowd at KDD 2017

Making Better Use of the Crowd at ACL 2017

Crowdsourcing: Beyond Label Generation at NeurIPS 2016 (a related survey paper, slides and video)

Prediction, Belief, and Markets at AAAI 2013
with Jake Abernethy

Prediction, Belief, and Markets at KDD 2012
with Jake Abernethy

Prediction, Belief, and Markets at Machine Learning Summer School, UC Santa Cruz, 2012 (slides and video)

Prediction, Belief, and Markets at ICML 2012 (slides)
with Jake Abernethy

Editorial Duties

Editorial Board (Associate Editor), ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2015-2020

Editorial Board, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2010-2013

Editorial Board, Machine Learning Journal, 2010-2020

Guest Editor, Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on Computational Social Science and Social Computing, 2014
with Winter Mason and Hanna Wallach

Women in Computer Science

Co-founder (2006), Executive Board Member (2010-2012, 2014-2018), and Senior Advisor (2018-2020, 2023-Present), Workshop for Women in Machine Learning (WiML)

Co-organizer, Women in Machine Learning: New York City lunch series, 2015-2016

Program Co-chair, Celebration of Women in Computing in Southern California 2012


Advisory Committee, Learning Theory Alliance, 2021–Present

Steering Committee Member, Partnership on AI ABOUT ML project, 2019-Present

Instructor/Mentor, Microsoft Research Data Science Summer School, Summer 2015